Here’s a great, brief outline and set of resources for systematically working on engaging racism in predominately white spaces.
A new narrative of whiteness?
Perhaps, in the midst of all of the ugliness of the last few months, white people are beginning to recognize that it is possible to build an anti-racist white identity? I hope so! Here’s an essay that suggests it’s emerging.
Conversations on racism with white people
Here’s a useful guide full of hyperlinked resources for trying to have conversations that go somewhere, instead of getting stuck in the angst of white fragility or other denials.
SPLC report on confederacy symbols
Given all that has happened this year around statues to the Confederacy, it’s worth reading this long — but substantial and interesting — report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
For white friends on being an ally
I need to pull together one post that has all of these essays in it, because the discussion of how to be an ally if you are white has been robust over the last several years. In any case, until I do that, here is another lovely essay published in the aftermath of Charlottesville on what it can mean to be an ally.
In the aftermath of Charlottesville…
Here we are again. This time racism emerges in explicit form — complete with KKK and Nazi metaphors and symbols. The events of this past weekend in Charlottesville, VA at the “unite the right” rally are yet one more time we need to stand vigilantly and clearly against racism. Some resources which are emerging. Here is James Martin (and a list below the video of other resources):
- James Martin, SJ of America Magazine making clear that white supremacy is sinful
- the president of Louisville Seminary, Michael Jinkins, responds
- a litany against white supremacy
- Eyewitness reports
- resources for teaching (the #CharlottesvilleCurriculum)
- Marlon James’ note
- how anti-semitism animates white nationalism
- from our local Lutheran bishop
- from various Catholic bishops
- from SFTS
- from the president of Seattle University
- a statement from the AAR
More reflection on white fragility
Here’s another useful piece floating around social media about white fragility.
Engaging white fragility
Here’s a thoughtful piece by Anna Kegler which both defines and explains white fragility, and offers practical advice for moving forward.
Marlon James on racism in Minnesota
It’s been a long week. After nearly five days of deliberation the jury acquitted Jeronimo Yanez of the accusation of manslaughter against Philando Castile. I’m still trying to wrap my head about that one.
Marlon James, the Booker Award winning novelist who teaches at Macalester College put it this way:
10 years of living in Minnesota as a “big, black guy” has led me to a gradual though futile “reduction” of myself to get closer. I have a big global voice, but a small local one, because I don’t want to be a target, and resent that in 2017, that’s still the only choice I get to have.
His whole essay is a clear, succinct, grounded and deeply indicting description of Minnesota. I wish I could say he was wrong, but I’m certain he is right.
What a difference a switch can make in a photo
Here’s an essay which explores what O Magazine did recently, when it asked a photographer to take pictures of some common scenes amongst women — but flip the races involved. There are powerful implications to these shifts, which I hope — as a white woman — other white women will see, and which I hope all of us can learn from. Perception is powerful!